A list of everyone that has or is contributing to Gluo.
Without the people mentioned on this page Gluo would never be what it is today. As the currently running team behind Gluo we want to thank every single soul on this page from the bottom of our hearts. Gluo would not have been possible without you!
The people that make Gluo. Check our careers page if you are interested in building with us.
The people that keep the platform and related community services safe.
The people that are associated with us through our tester program. They test every update before it goes out. We are constantly looking for testers, if this sounds appealing to you do check our tester application.
The people that have found bugs without being member of the tester program.
These people contributed to the existance of Gluo but are no longer active members of the team.
Other people that contributed to the existance of Gluo.